YOLO v3 anchors for traffic sign detection

The creators of YOLO v3 advice to regenerate “anchors” if you retrain YOLO for your own dataset. Here I describe what are anchors, how to generate them and also give specific anchor values for traffic sign detection problem.

bicycles prohibited traffic sign

(If you need the anchors for training of traffic sign detection on 16:9 aspect ratio images, scroll down to the end of the post)

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Birdsong.report B1 Model Classification Quality

Here are some important notices about the classification quality of B1 model currently deployed at (birdsong.report)

I made per class classification quality analysis (don’t know why I did not do it before!) and the results are both impressive and distressing.
Continue reading “Birdsong.report B1 Model Classification Quality”

Multilayer perceptron learning capacity

In this post I demonstrate how the capacity (e.g. classifier variance) changes in multilayer perceptron classifier with the change of hidden layer units.
As a training data I use MNIST dataset published on Kaggle as a training competition.
The network is multiclass classifier with single hidden layer, sigmoid activation.

Multi-class logarithmic loss

loss function achieved

The plot shows the minimum value of loss function achieved across different training runs.
Each dot in the figure corresponds to a separate training run finished by stucking in some minimum of the loss function.
You may see that the training procedure can stuck in the local minimum regardless of the hidden units number.
This means that one needs to carry out many training runs in order to figure out real network architecture learning capacity.
The lower boundary of the point cloud depicts the learning capacity. We can see that learning capacity slowly rises as we increase the number of hidden layer units.

Classification accuracy

Learning capacity is also reflected into the achieved accuracy.

Accuracy acieved

In this plot, as in the previous one, each of the dot is separate finished training run.
But in this one Y-axis depicts classification accuracy.
Interesting that the network with even 10 units can correctly classify more than a half of the images.
It is also surprising for me that the best models cluster together forming a clear gap between them and others.
Can you see the empty space stride?
Is this some particular image feature that is ether captured or not?